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AFHK - Home

Who are we?

What resources or guidance can Adoptive Families of Hong Kong (AFHK) provide for someone who has just begun the adoption process in Hong Kong? 

Why should I become a member? 

Are you an adoption or foster care agency?

Where can I find out about how to adopt in Hong Kong?

Are you only for families who adopted from Hong Kong? 

Do you provide therapy services to adoptive families and adoptees? 

Do you help adoptees from Hong Kong to trace their roots or find birth family members? 

What resources are available for adult adoptees (ages 18+)? 

Why do you charge for events?

Why do I have to use Paypal or pay in advance and why don't you accept cash at the event?

What events, activities or services do you offer free of charge?

Are events open only to AFHK members?

Why do non-member pay a higher fee for joining events?

Why don’t you have a Facebook group to facilitate people posting their concerns and questions and connecting with others?

What’s the best way to network and meet others connected to adoption or fostering in HK?

Who are we?

Adoptive Families of Hong Kong is a non-profit, volunteer-run charitable organisation comprising people connected by the common experience of adoption and foster care. Our mission is to connect, support and empower adoptive and foster families and adopted or fostered persons of any age and from any country who are living in Hong Kong and elsewhere in Asia. Please note, however, that AFHK is not an adoption agency.

You will find the general and initial information we can provide about adoption procedures on our website here.

What resources or guidance can Adoptive Families of Hong Kong (AFHK) provide for someone who has just begun the adoption process in Hong Kong? 

The adoption process in Hong Kong is fairly straightforward. All local and inter-country adoptions in Hong Kong are administered by the Government's Social Welfare Department (SWD). Please refer to our ‘Considering Adoption in Hong Kong’ webpage for more detailed information. 

The first step in pursuing adoption in Hong Kong is to get in contact with the Social Welfare Department and to review their website. During the initial contact with SWD, applicants will likely be asked questions to determine their eligibility to adopt in Hong Kong. We also recommend that you contact the 3 outside accredited agencies that deal with adoption applications in Hong Kong, They are Mother's Choice, PLK (Po Leung Kuk) and ISS (international Social Services) who can provide more specific information about the procedures, assist you in the process and provide valuable post adoption assistance.]

If you haven't already, you can peruse around our Facebook page (you can Like it to keep up to date with the articles and events we are posting). 

You will also find information regarding our next events on our website, in particular our Waiting Families Gatherings. This dedicated group might be of support to you in the adoption process or pre and post adoption preparation and you would be most welcome to join these events. Click here for more information about our Upcoming Events.

Why should I become a member? 

Become a part of the AFHK community! Your membership not only allows you access to all of our exciting and informative events - such as monthly discussions, waiting families gatherings, and a variety of social and professional events - but it also helps to support AFHK as a non-profit, volunteer-run organization that connects people whose lives have been touched by the common experience of adoption and fostering.

Are you an adoption or foster care agency? 

While we are not an adoption or foster care agency, but rather an organization to connect those in the adoption community, we provide a comprehensive list of resources on our website. 

Where can I find out about how to adopt in Hong Kong?

If you’re interested in learning more about adoption in Hong Kong, be sure to check out our “Considering Adoption in Hong Kong?” webpage for initial information and guidance on the process. 

Are you only for families who adopted from Hong Kong? 

Our Steering Committee and current membership comprises individuals who are connected to adoption or foster care in a variety of ways. From adult adoptees who grew up outside Hong Kong to child development professionals who specialize in adoption, we are a tight-knit and welcoming network of people from a diverse array of backgrounds. 

Do you provide therapy services to adoptive families and adoptees? 

No, but we’re happy to help connect you with providers in Hong Kong who specialize in adoption-related therapy services.  

Do you help adoptees from Hong Kong to trace their roots or find birth family members? 

Yes! We can connect you with professionals and organizations who can help you begin your roots-tracing or birth family search process. 

What resources are available for adult adoptees (ages 18+)? 

AFHK fosters a vibrant community of adult adoptees primarily through our membership network. New adult adoptee members are contacted and introduced to the adult adoptee group. They connect in a variety of ways, formally and informally.   We also have the Hong Kong Adult Adoptees Facebook group, the purpose of which is to bring together not only those who currently live in HK, but adopted individuals who have any sort of ‘connection’ to Hong Kong. 

If you’re an adult adoptee who’s interested in joining our HKAA Facebook group, please log in to Facebook and search “Hong Kong Adult Adoptees (HKAA)” to request membership. 

Why do you charge for events?

As a non-profit, volunteer-run organization that relies on its members subscription fees and small donations for its funding, AFHK must charge a nominal fee in order to pay for any costs associated with running the organisation and the events (e.g, administration support, website running costs, Paypal, facilities, speakers or food).  

Why do I have to use Paypal or pay in advance and why don't you accept cash at the event?

As a primarily all volunteer organization, we don't have the resources to work with other payment systems. We need to plan in advance for an event, so if someone says they are coming but don't end up attending, then we have to cover those costs, and as a small charity, this stretches our resources. 

What events, activities or services do you offer free of charge?

In March 2019, we were able to offer a free screening of the documentary “In Utero” with the financial support of Mother’s Choice and a donation from Hong Kong Living magazines. We hope to be able to continue to offer an annual free documentary night.

Members are entitled to come to the daytime Monthly Discussion meeting for free. Approximately 5 - 8 times per year. Throughout the year there are a few parent support meetings for parents and waiting parents to come and meet with others depending on demand. Waiting Families Gatherings, offered in English or Cantonese, run 3-5 times per year, are available free to members. 

We are unable to offer additional free events and activities to non members as AFHK is a self funded volunteer organisation with very limited resources. We gladly accept donations to assist and expand with what we can offer such as the “In Utero” documentary screening.

Are events open only to AFHK members?

No. The majority of AFHK events are open to all, including those who are just interested in the topic but not connected to adoption or fostering.

Why do non-member pay a higher fee for joining events?

As members actively support AFHK, it’s activities and programs through an annual subscription.fee they enjoy the benefit of discounted event rates.

Why don’t you have a Facebook group to facilitate people posting their concerns and questions and connecting with others?

As present we don’t have the volunteer manpower (2-3 people) required to create a mediated chat group. As a membership organisation we need to be mindful regarding what benefits most our membership base and focus on that.  However we would like to be able to offer this in the future when that support becomes available. For now through our website there are chat forums open only to members that allow them to post questions or reach out to others.

What’s the best way to network and meet others connected to adoption or fostering in Hong Kong?

Coming along to AFHK events is the easiest way to meet others with the same interests. For members there is a designated outreach volunteer for many of the specific membership types such as single families, waiting families, adult adoptees who will contact new members and assist with answering specific queries or put members in contact with other members. 

Members can post on the forums through our website and ask questions or see if people are interested in meeting up or request help with finding specific resources. 

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